We have several Veterinarians. We have our Reproduction Specialist, Our Regular Veterinarian for routine office visits and of course relationships with our local Emergency Hospital. Our dogs and puppies receive the best in Veterinary Care. All of our puppies have a Veterinary Well Check before going to their new homes. Here are a few of our puppies at their first Veterinary Visit for a puppy Adoption Wellness Exam.
This is Lilly waiting patiently for her exam.
Bam Bam aka JOKER just had a nice little surprise with getting his temperature taken, rectally of course, and is now going to get his eyes examined by Dr. Tiffani.
They don't even mind their Strongid De-wormer, it is actually pretty palatable and they will just lick it right up if just put into a bowl. In addition to temperatures being taken, having thier eyes checked and receiving their de-wormer at this visit the puppies ears are checked, coats and body checked, heart is listened to and boys are checked for their goods packages (testicles). We excersize our puppies well prior to going to this visit which makes it much nicer for everyone because we have nice calm and relaxed puppies for the exams.
Occassionally the accident happens......This is Abby, she was kicked by another horse in the pasture and was laid up for weeks. This happened only two weeks after we healed her up from another pasture incident while being boarded in SLO. We brought her home in attempt to avoid any further injuries from horses that I had no control over.
German Shepherds make excellent herding animals. Arno just didn't know when to back off this time. He was herding Abby and she kicked him and shattered his shoulder. After several consultations with Veterinarians and recommendations to amputate Arno's leg or put him down, we put our trust, once again into Atascadero Animal Hospital and had Dr. Schecter to do reconstructive surgery in attempt to save the leg. After 8 hours of surgery he put Arno back together again and he is here with us on all four!
Even though Arno could have continued to produce excellent puppies with only 3 legs, we opted to perform the reconstructive surgery. $4,000.00 later.....Arno is almost as good as new. Outside of a slight limp, you wouldn't even know he ever had this injury. Thanks to Dr. Schecter and his team, we still have Arno with us and he continues to produce fabulous puppies. Abby has however, moved on to persue her career as a cutting horse on a cattle ranch where she is very happy. Even when you expect everything is going to go perfect, always expect the unexpected!