Enzo is one of the most beautiful shepherds we've ever owned or seen for that matter. It's obvious the time Julie and her husband have put into their dogs and their puppies, and they're definitely a welcome treat for a GSD puppy owner! We shake our heads every day at how good he is, and that all starts with Julie 's care and efforts. She's the real deal. She walks the walk, and her puppies prove that. I refer her to everyone I know that is interested in getting a German Shepherd. Thank you Julie for one of the best additions to the #LevesquePack we have!! We love Enzo so dang much! Janis Lavesque
Our focus in breeding is to the SV (German) standard. We are a small hobby breeder and and our goal is to produce quality not quantity. Our dogs are bred for natural family protection, health, structure, strong nerves, clear in the head, strong bone, confidence, intelligence, capability and of course beauty. We breed within the standard of the breed to carry on the traits of what the german shepherd was originally designed and bred to do. Every breeding is well thought out and we will never compromise quality! Our lines are the West German Show Lines that work!
YURI von der Grevener Villa - The son of TWICE World Champion ASAP vom Aldamar SG1/V1/VA3! Dam - Tammi von der Grevener Villa. Yuri is ourGerman Import Male both SV and AKC Registered. Absolutely beautiful, masculine super stud. Strong, excellent desired black and red pigment. Incredible Character. Excellent hips and elbows (SV Stamped), DM free, strong bone structure, very pronounced black mask, excellent drive and power behind him. Absolutely clear in the head, friendly in nature and has natural protection instinct with an excellent world champion pedigree. Ready to please attitude. Excellent health throughout his pedigree. His puppies are recommended for Show - Protection; IPO/Schutzhund - Service - Natural Family Protection.
Garfield Vom Messina (AKA Ghandi) ~ Is our German Import Male, both SV and AKC Registered. He is a magnificent male with strong bone, correct structure, powerful superior type with good working characteristics. Excellent pigment, very healthy & world champion pedigree with both parents fully titled. Confident, self-assured dog. Very strong drive. Clear in the head and balanced in nature. Excellent genetic health. His father Kaspar Von Tronge VA2! BSZS 2018! & His Mother Ladi Vom Messina V12, IPO1, KKL. These are some of the Top West German Show Lines in the World! His puppies are recommended for IPO; Schutzhund, Show - Breeding - Protection - Service - Natural Family Protection.