Ghandi ~ Both of his parents are fully titled! His father Kaspar VA 2 is TWICE WORLD CHAMPION (2016 & 2017) is fully titled in IPO3/SchH3 and is recommended to breed (Kkl1). Ghandi is of correct structure, sound mind, high driveAmazing that we could have such amazing bloodlines as a small hobby breeder.
Burma ~ Is one of our Imported females from Europe and is 60 cm tall. She has International SV-Certified Hips and Elbows; HD fast Hips and ED normal Elbows. Excellent ratings. Burma is a direct daughter of Marlo Von Baccara, VA3, IPO3, kkl1. She has strong protection instinct, absolutely correct structure, strong bone. She is powerful and expressive. Correct female with over-all type and anatomy. Absolutely clear in the head and stable nerves. Gorgeous dark red and black pigment. A pleasure to have here at Central Coast German Shepherds. Burma is as close as it gets to having the perfect German Shepherd.